Enter Valid Color Values in any of these inputs





RGB: rgb(255,255,255);
HSL: hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%);
HEX: #ffffff;
CMYK: 0,0,0,0;


Earlier there are ways how to represent colors in the website’s different components such as background, fonts, and many more. Some use regular color keywords whereas others use additional and much specific color systems like HSL (hue, saturation, lightness). However, nowadays we are going to be talking regarding the 2 most well-liked color naming conventions, RGB color codes and positional notation (hex) color codes.

What will this RGB to Hex converter do?

The input is taken as RGB values ranging from 0 to 255 and thus converting the RGB values to hex string which will be used to define color in HTML/CSS code. If you want to use RGB color in photo editing software as HTML part of the background then you'll need to get the hexadecimal representation of the RGB values. This converter tool permits you to urge those values.

RGB Color Codes

RGB color codes, generally remarked as RGBA color codes after they embrace a further worth for associate degree alpha channel, are one every of the foremost standard ways in which to outline colors in webpages. they're written within the following way:

color: RGB(0, 0, 0); /* black */
color: RGB(255, 255, 255); /* white */

RGB represents primary colors; red, green, and blue. In ancient color theory, all different colors will be derived from combos of those 3, and it absolutely was thought that these 3 colors couldn't be shaped by a combination of the other colors.

Hex Color Codes

Hex color codes truly use identical principle as RGB color codes, as they each outline colours implementing the RGB color mode. they're written in an exceedingly slightly completely different way:

color: #000000; /* black */
color: #FFFFFF; /* white */

While the selection between that of those color naming conventions to use comes right down to a matter of private preference, there are many benefits to implementing hex color codes:

They are a lot of compacts, and thus are higher for decreased code. Hex color codes also can become even a lot of compact by implementing only 3 digits for a few colors, instead of the total six digits.

They improve the load time of an internet page slightly. Computers handle binary digits, and one positional representation system digit will simply be reborn into four binary digits, whereas decimal digits take longer to convert.

They are easier to repeat over from numerous programs that contain the color palette to be used, as they're written collectively worth instead of 3 separate values, and that they are a lot of doubtless to be utilized in color schemes being documented since they need become the quality to be used in HTML and CSS code.

While none of those are doubtless to form a major impact on the event method, you'll end up eager to switch to hex color codes for this purpose – so, however, do you switch from an RGB code to a positional representation system color code?

Converting RGB to Hex Color Codes

RGB code values are supported the amount system we tend to are most acquainted with, the decimal number representation system. The decimal number representation system could be a Base-10 system, which means there are 10 distinctive characters wont to outline the numbers. the ten characters used are the numbers 0-9.

Hex code values, as compared, are supported by the hexadecimal number system. The hexadecimal number system could be a Base-16 system, which means there are 16 distinctive characters wont to outline the numbers. The 16 characters used are the numbers 0-9 and also the letters A - F.

Note: This conjointly explains why the best worth attainable within the RGB system is 255. By employing a hexadecimal system, or 16-bit number representation system, the most variety of colors which will be displayed at anybody time is 16 x 16, or 256 colors. These 256 colors are painted because the values are 0 - 255.

Counting is completed identical method in each system. The primary number is 0, and you count all the last to the last digit. For the decimal number representation system, this digit is nine. For the positional representation system number representation system, this digit is 9. Sometimes, a number starts with 0 ahead of those values. Once you reach the last digit, you begin the count over, now along with your leading digit because the next one within the system (which is 1, for each the decimal and hexadecimal number systems).